Well done to all the pupils and staff of St Fergus’ N.S who dressed up for World Book Day today! This is one of our favourite days in the school year. Everyone chooses their favourite character from a book and comes to school dressed as that person. It really gets us engaged and thinking about the books that we have read. Many authors were represented, from old time classics like Anne of Green Gables to Gangsta Granny, from Roald Dahl to David Walliams. Huge effort was put in by parents and children alike to ensure that everyone enjoyed the ocassion. Book vouchers for Newcastlewest Book Shop were awarded to some of the best costumes. The buzz around books and reading was palpable throughout the school on the day with children, writing book reviews, graphic novels and creating beautiful artwork based on books read. First and Second Class even performed a song in Assembly based on the merits of reading books. It just goes to show, that despite all the advances in toys for children, there is still nothing quite like a good book!
- World Book Day 2015
- Boys in the Striped Pyjamas
- Fairy tale princesses
- Roald Dahl Characters
- Super heroes
- David Walliams’ Characters
- Staff Antics!
- Puss in Boots receives her voucher
- The Highway Rat receives his voucher
- Mr Twit receives his voucher
- Prize Winners for World Book Day 2015

We wrote graphic novels for World Book Day
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