Certificate Winners
Friday 18th December 2015

Certificate Winners &
Star of the Week
13th Nov 2015.
Well done to all.

Certificate Winners &
Shining Star
20th November 2015
Super Students from the classes of St Fergus’ N.S Happy winners receiving their certificates today.

Certificate Winners & Shining Star
Another week, another batch of wonderful pupils! Well done guys!!

Certificate Winners &
Star of the Week
9th October 2015
Congratulations and well done to the certificate winners and to Leo and Ava our two Shining Stars for the past two weeks! You are doing yourselves proud. Keep up the super work!

Certificate Winners &
Star of the Week
2nd October 2015

Certificate Winners &
Star of the Week
25th September 2015.

Certificate Winners &
Star of the Week
18th September 2015
Well done to the students who received the weekly certificates at our Good News Assembly today. Congratulations to Maurice who received the Shining Star of the Week, as awarded by the entire staff. Who will it be next week???

Certificate Winners
11th September 2015
Well done to all of our certificate winners this week. They have set a very good example for the year ahead. Well done also to Saoirse, who received our Shining Star Award for her tremendous start to Rang VI-Maith thú Saoirse. Tús maith leath na hoibre!
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