September in the Infant Classroom

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September was a busy month in Junior and Senior Infants! We have been very busy learning all about ourselves! Have a look below to see a snippet of the activities which we have got up to over the past month!

We were very busy learning about our senses and how we use our senses to understand the world around us.  We did many different experiments to test our senses.  We used our sense of touch to guess what was in the Feely Bag, we used our sense of smell to determine what was hidden in different containers, our sense of hearing to guess what Miss Walsh was using to make noise and we even got to test our sense of taste by eating a yummy sweet! It was great fun.  We loved listening to the 5 senses song when learning about our senses! Click on the link below and have a listen.


In Art we painted self-portraits.  Before we started we recapped on our facial features and discussed eyes, noses, mouths etc.  Each child got the chance to examine themselves in the mirror to determine the colour of their eyes and hair and to even check if they have freckles! After that the Junior and Senior infants were given freedom to begin painting. Some children got so creative they decided to paint a background!

Have a look at what our budding artists created and see if you can guess who is who! Have fun 🙂img_2103 img_2098 img_2097  img_2102 img_2099  img_2093 img_2094  img_2097 img_2096 img_2095 img_2065  img_2102 img_2100 img_2066 img_2067 img_2068 img_2069 img_2073 img_2072 img_2071 img_2070 img_2075 img_2076 img_2077 img_2078 img_2083 img_2081 img_2080 img_2079 img_2084 img_2085 img_2087 img_2088 img_2089 img_2090 img_2091 img_2092


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