The pupils of First and Second Class have been very busy since returning to school. They have been learning all about Dinosaurs in S.E.S.E. and were super excited about this topic. Many of the children brought in books and figures of dinosaurs from home to help us to investigate these extinct creatures.
- We named our seating groups after dinosaurs
- Our dinosaur table
- Palaeontologists dig up fossils
- We read dinosaur books
- We did a K.W.L. chart on dinosaurs
- We brainstormed about dinosaurs
- Some facts were true, some were false
- We labelled dinosaurs
- We learned dinosaur words
- We each made our own dinosaur
- We used our hand print
- We also named our dinosaurs
- We used dinosaurs for learning alphabetical order
We also learned about number in our own lives. We saw where number can be used to show that each of us is unique and individual. We did this using our “Maths Eyes”. We also study a “Number of the Week”. We learn to write this number in twelve different ways. How many ways can you think of?
In Literacy we have been studying Report Writing and seeing what characteristics there are in all reports. We learned that each report is made up of:
- A title
- A classification
- A description
- A location
- A function.
We are also focusing on how to write a proper sentence. A proper sentence must
- start with a capital letter
- end in a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark
- make sense.
Already we are writing more interesting sentences and our handwriting has improved greatly. Mrs Kennelly is very proud of us. Next week we will learn how to write our own reports on Dinosaurs.
S.P.H.E. is a subject where we learn life skills and how to get on well with other people and how to take care of ourselves and others. In September, we read the story “How Full Is Your Bucket?”. We learned that everyone in the world has an imaginary bucket. When we are nice to other people, we fill their buckets and we also fill our own! Full buckets make people happy. If we are mean and nasty to others, we are “bucket dipping”. This makes us feel sad and lonely! We discussed the many ways in which we can fill our own and the buckets of others. We all want to be Bucket Fillers in First and Second Class. We even listened to a song about it.
We are also learning to play the tin whistle and we learned the song Sliabh na mBan, in honour of the victorious Tipperary Hurlers. I wonder will we be learning The Green and Red of Mayo or Molly Malone, next week?!
We are also continuing with our Golden Thought each week and have started to work on a Sean Fhocail each Monday too! We write them into our Homework notebook and repeat them once a day. We have them learned in no time at all!
This is only the tip of the ice-berg for First and Second Class. We have had such a busy month of learning and having fun. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring!
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