- Friendship Rocks!
- Being Proactive
- Definition of Bullying
- What to do
- Bystanders enable bullies
- There are many forms of bullying
- Junior Pupils need to know about bu
- Words of Wisdom
- What is a friend
- Fifth and Sixth Noticeboard on Friendship
- Mrs Gee and her pupils made a great slogan for our school
- Golden Thoughts for the Week
- Wall of Positivity
There is no room for Bullying behaviour in St Fergus’ N.S. and the proof of that adorned the walls of the school building this month. Everywhere you look, you can see the signs of positive thoughts and anti-bullying slogans. Well done to all who participated in Friendship Month and to those who helped create the positive, calm atmosphere in the school and the playground.
Remember “Bully Free, Starts With Me!”
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