- Animals of the Polar Regions
- Polar Regions book
- Polar Animals
- Inuits
- Where in the Worls
- Polar Display
- Mindfulness
- Polar Write Up
In First and Second Class, we have been learning about the Polar Regions-The Arctic and The Antarctic. It is a very interesting topic and the children engaged eagerly with it. We learned about the animals and the people of the North Pole and the differences that exist between the North and the South Poles. The Northern Lights were hugely popular with the class as was the subject of the Inuit people. Many boys and girls brought in teddies and books that they had at home about the poles and we have a beautiful display in our classroom.
We are studying the life of Tom Crean, the famous Irish South Pole Explorer. He was a brave and strong man who spent a lot of time in the harshest conditions in the world.
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