Today Junior Infants were thrilled to welcome Nurse Joanne, Henry’s Mommy to our classroom. This month we have been learning all about the Doctor’s Surgery/The Hospital and we have created our very own Doctor’s Surgery in our role play corner. Nurse Joanne brought a bag full of hospital bits and pieces including a fabulous book for every child on Teddy’s visit to the surgical day unit. Joanne showed the book to the children explaining what happens to Teddy when he goes to the hospital for an operation. The children learned about what the doctors and nurses wear in the operating theatre, the theatre bed and the special oxygen mask which helps Teddy to fall fast asleep before he has an operation. Every child got a lovely hospital certificate of bravery from Nurse Joanne and a little sweetie treat!
What a wonderful way to bring our learning to life. Thank you Nurse Joanne for visiting us.☺

Nurse Joanne demonstrates how to put on a bandage.

Exploring our “Tedddy’s Visit to the Surgical Day Unit” books.

Learning about oxygen masks.
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