Miss Sparkleheart has arrived in the Infant Room!

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We arrived at school today and you will never guess who was waiting there before us. . . our very own elf on the shelf! She was sitting patiently on the projector.










We decided to name our elf Miss Sparkleheart! Miss Sparkleheart is a very good friend of Miss Walsh’s and of course Santa Claus! She is here to keep an eye on us to make sure we are really good boys and girls and that we stay on Santa’s good list. She will watch us to make sure we are behaving well, working hard, using our manners, playing nicely with our friends and of course eating our lunches! Miss Sparkle knows just how important it is to eat all of our lunch so that we grow up to be big and strong.

Every night Miss Sparkleheart will fly back to the North Pole to tell Santa about what has happened during the day.   Every morning before the boys and girls come to school the elf flies back from the North Pole and hides.  All the Juniors and Seniors are so excited to have Miss Sparkleheart visiting us each day! Miss Walsh is too 🙂

We will have lots of fun looking for Miss Sparkleheart’s hiding place every day!!

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