Hurricane Ophelia, didn’t put a stop to the fun and games in St Fergus’ NS this week! We returned to school on Wednesday eager to participate in the many Maths activities planned for each class. Junior Infants and Senior Infants got the ball rolling with their many fun games in the Halla. They were matching, counting, creating patterns, estimating and sorting with their friends and helpers. Great teamwork was shown by all as they worked together to come up with the solutions for their problems at each work station. So much fun was being had by all, that it hardly seemed like work! Maith sibhse a pháistí!
- Matching Number Pairs
- Pom Poms in Cups
- Snakes and Ladders
- Sorting and Matching
- Patterns
- Which Goes Where?
- Up the Ladder
- Which Number is Bigger?
- Dice work
- Fastest BAck Wins
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