January was a busy month in the infant classroom. Junior and Senior Infants were very busy learning all about the weather. Have a read below to see what we got up to
In Gaeilge we were busy learning about an aimsir. We learned lots of vocab, rhymes and songs. We even sang one of our songs as Gaeilge for the whole school for our January party piece.
In geography we learned all about the different types of weather and kept a weather diary in our SESE copies. We discovered that Ireland’s weather really is very changeable!
We also looked at clothes, named them and discussed which are suitable for hot and cold weather. In groups we had to sort clothes into two groups, clothes suitable for hot weather and clothes suitable for cold weather.
In science we tested materials to see if they were waterproof and to discover what materials would be good to wear on a rainy day. We placed a plastic toy person in four different materials; a cotton sock, a paper bag, a plastic ziploc bag and a rubber glove. Prior to carrying out our investigations we made predictions with our group and once each item was tested we recorded our observations on a worksheet.
As you can see from our results the plastic toy person inside the paper bag was dry when we checked it first. We could not believe it so we decided to test this further by leaving one paper bag in the water for a little longer. When we checked it again after 5 minutes the plastic person was not dry!
In art we made wooly hats. We used crayons to design our hats and we stuck on cotton wool for extra warmth during those cold winter days.
Aistear was also based on the weather theme and we were very busy in each of the stations. In the writing area we were very busy writing weather reports. We used our weather word mats and our sounds to help us write weather reports.
In the construction area we had to rebuild a village that was destroyed by a recent flood. It was hard work but it paid off! What buildings do you see in this village?
In the role play area we became weather forecasters. We used weather symbol pictures and a map of Ireland to tell the weather forecast. We even had camera crew and sometimes we reported news stories! It was great fun!
In the creative area we created weather pictures. We used our imagination and what we had learned to make a pictures of our choice. We really are creative little people!
And in our last area, the small world area, we decided what to do depending on the weather that day. One day it was very rainy so we decided it was best to stay at home and play!
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