In First and Second we have been reading the Eric Carle book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. This story of a very greedy caterpillar was a great source of amusement for the children and we used it as the basis for creative writing sessions and also art lessons. We have enjoyed reading the story each day and focusing on a different area of the book. The children created beautiful pieces which we have put on display in our classroom. We even heard the author himself read the story on Youtube. Cian brought in two books. One was about another greedy caterpillar who ate and ate and the other was about how caterpillars turn in to butterflies. We used this second book as the basis of our Science lesson this week. We studied the life cycle of the caterpillar. We will read more books by Eric Carle about a busy spider and a grumpy ladybird.As the children appear so interested in all creatures great and small, you can expect to be hearing a lot more about “creepy crawlies” over the next few weeks!

Using our finger prints and our hand prints we created the life cycle of The Very Hungry Caterpillar for Art. Each one id unique and special.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar became a Beautiful Butterfly.

We wrote about The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We learned about the life cycle of the caterpillar

Busy as a bee-or should that be caterpillar!?

We drew pictures to go with our writing

We love the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We worked hard together on our stories

We have a puppet of the Very Hungry Caterpillar

Our beautiful Noticeboard

We wrote about the story

We learned that caterpillars turn into butterflies

We drew pictures of our stories

We are proud of our work

Our work is beautiful on display

In Art we created curly, swirly snails

We love Creepy Crawlies
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