- Whoops-a-Daisy-Angel
- Junior Choir
- Our Nativity Gnomes
- Prince Charming and Snow White
- Because we’re Happy…..
- Goldilocks gets her come upance
- Lawyers in the making
- The 3 bears
- 8 good folk, honest and true
- Where’s my sheep???
- Shepherds pie AGAIN!!!
- Senior Choir
It was with great excitement, that the pupils and staff of St Fergus’ N.S. opened the doors of its Hall-Tír na Samhlaíochta-last Thursday the 4th of December 2014, for it’s annual Christmas Concert. As always it was a wonderful night’s entertainment, with each of the 111 pupils in the school strutting their stuff on the stage.
After weeks of line learning, prop making and rehearsing, the entire show-“The Halla and the Ivy”, came together beautifully to create a heart warming start to the season’s festivities. Ms O’Hanlon’s Infants opened the event with their innocent take on the nativity story, “Whoops-a-Daisy-Angel”. They sang sweetly and acted their little hearts out, raising the bar very high for the following acts.
They were immediately followed by all of the Jumior classes, who performed a medley of Infant Christmas Carols. Actions were perfect and voices were sweet for the delivery of their four songs.
Just before the interval, Mrs Kennelly’s class put on their take on the classic fairytale, “Snow White and the Seven Gnomes”. From talking mirrors to wicked Queens, striking gnomes to handsome princes, everyone gave 100% to ensure the audience were entertained.
Ms Griffin’s 3rd and 4th class opened the second half with a “suspense filled” trial of the character Goldilocks. The crowd were treated to singing and dancing by the lawyers, jurors, guards, and even the judge. Much to the disgust of the watching adults, the wicked Goldilocks was acquitted of her terrible crimes by the eight good folks of the jury. When last seen however, she was fleeing from the theatre with Baby Bear, hot on her heels. We fear the worst for our fair Goldilocks.
Fifth and Sixth class, then gave their account of the first Christmas. With wit and satire, they kept everyone interested in this well known and oft told tale. Blind Shepherds and miserly innkeepers may not be strictly in keeping with the Biblical version of the story but all agreed that the pupils of the Senior Classes certainly gave us cause for a laugh and at the same time told the true meaning of Christmas.
As usual, the Concert closed with the Senior Choir’s medley of Christmas Songs. Our Polish Carol, was as always beautifully and whole heartedly sung by all, followed closely by “Do They Know It’s Christmas” and “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”. Ms Dillane got everyone involved in the actions for this last track-as only Ms Dillane can!!
Thank you to all who attended our wonderful night and to all who contributed in any way to its production. All off the hard work and stresses are worth it when we see the terrific children of St Fergus’ N.S. up on stage. It would do your heart good to be in their presence.
Nollaig shona agus athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh go léir
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