- Well done to Darragh, Harry and Christopher. Hallowe’en Week’s Certificate Winners in First and Second Class! Great costumes too boys!
- Certificate Winners 17th October 2014
- Maith sibh Síona, Charlie agus Orlaith. Leanaigí ar aghaidh leis an obair iontach i Rang I & II! Táimid go léir bródúil asaibh!
- Certificate Winners 10th October 2014.
- Congratulations to Jamie, Fionn and Camryn, our Certificate of the Week winners for 3rd October 2014
- Certificate Winners 3rd October 2014
- Well done to Graham, Ellen & Donnadh. Certificate Winners 19/9/14
- 1st & 2nd Class Certificate Winners 12th September 2014
- Students of the Week
- Good Writer Award
- Good Attitude Award
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