Every week three pupils from each classroom are awarded certificates by their class teachers for their achievements in school. These certificates are presented by Mrs Kennelly during the Friday “Good News Assembly” in the school halla. Pictured below are photos of our wonderful pupils on their proud day. Well done to all our recipients!
The certificates for this term are Student of the Week, Good Hand Writer Award and Good Attitude Award.

Certificate Winners
28th November 2014

Certificate Winners
21st November 2014

Certificate Winners
14th November 2014.

Certificate Winners
17th October 2014

Certificate Winners
10th October 2014.

Certificate Winners
3rd October 2014

Certificate Winners
26th September 2014

Students of the Week

Good Writer Award

Good Attitude Award

5th & 6th Class Certificate Winners
12th September 2014

3rd & 4th Class Certificate Winners
12th September 2014

1st & 2nd Class Certificate Winners
12th September 2014
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