Fr. Crawford gives a blessing to the Pupils of 6th Class at their Graduation.
As St. Fergus’ National School is a catholic school under the Patronage of Dr. Brendan Leahy, Bishop of Limerick all behaviour in this school corresponds to the Catholic Ethos of our school. Religious Education is taught to all classes, and non-Catholic children are usually involved in these classes by parental decision.
Children are prepared for Religious Ceremonies during the school year. Teachers bring the children to Masses in the Church on occasions such as a Parish Mission or a Feast Day. We celebrate a “Start of Year” Mass and an “End of Year” Mass.
We consider that our duty of care to the children attending St. Fergus’ National School extends beyond our educational responsibilities. We make it clear to the children that we listen to them. This openness may help children with a problem to approach us. If the school staff cannot help with a specific problem, it may, after serious consideration, be referred to outside agencies.